cav·i·ty (kavґĭ-te) [L. cavitas] 1. a hollow place or space, or a potential space, within the body or in one of its organs; it may be normal (called cavitas in anatomical nomenclature) or pathological (see cavitation).See also pocket, pouch, and recess. Called also cave, cavern, caverna, and cavum. 2. the lesion, or area of destruction in a tooth, produced by dental caries; classified as


Cavitas nasi ossea – septum nasi, strop a spodina 28. Cavitas nasi ossea – meatus nasi 29. Kostěné ohraničení fossa temporalis 30. Kostěné ohraničení fossa infratemporalis 31. Kostěné ohraničení fossa pterygopalatina 32. Lebka novorozence 33. Clavicula 34. Scapula 35. Humerus 36. Radius 37. Ulna 38.

Cavitas nasalis — nosies ertmė statusas T sritis histologija atitikmenys: lot. . Cavitas nasalis; Cavitas nasi ryšiai Define cavitas nasalis. cavitas nasalis synonyms, cavitas nasalis pronunciation, cavitas nasalis translation, English dictionary definition of cavitas nasalis. Noun 1. nasal cavity - either of the two cavities lying between the floor of the cranium and the roof of the mouth and extending from the face to the Nosies ertmė (lot. cavitas nasi) – didelė netaisyklinga ketursienė ertmė už nosies ir veido viduryje.Ją kaulinė – kremzlinė pertvara dalija į dvi dalis, iš kurių kiekviena pro šnerves jungiasi su išore, o užpakaline dalimi – su nosiarykle (nosiaryklė svarbi sušildant ir išvalant įkvepiamą orą).

Cavitas nasi duvarları

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(3,5 p) Cavitas nasi’nin duvarları 20 Conchae nasales 22 1.2.3. Sinus Cavitas Nasi’nin Radyolojik İncelemesi Sonucu 71 Elde Edilen Bulgular . iv - Fråga: Anatomi:Huvud Hals - Cavitas Nasi - (Läkarprogrammet -> Termin 2 -> NOR -> Anatomi) Lösningar och guider till högskoleprov, läkarprogrammet i lund, programmering, episerver m.m Cavitas nasi’nin damar ve sinirleri • Venleri • Tunica submucosa’da zengin bir ven pleksusu bulunur. • Özellikle septum nasi’nin alt kısmında gelişmiştir. • Bu plexus v.

Palatum merupakan "atap" dari cavitas oris dan "lantai" dari cavitas nasi. terbagi atas 2 macam. Palatum durum yang terletak di 2/3 bagian anterior dan palatum molle yang terletak di 1/3 bagian posterior.

oris) tavanını ve burun boşluğunun da (cavitas nasi) tabanını oluşturur. Sert katılımı ile göz, burun ve ağız boşluğunun duvarları ile birlikte, yüzün genel.

(1 p) 24. Fyll i de ord som saknas i texten nedan.

Cavitas nasi duvarları

Septum nasi, cavitas nasi'yi ikiye ayıran bir duvar olarak tanımlanabilir. Burun fonksiyonları ve Sinus maxillaris'in kemik duvarları farklı kalınlıklardadır. Anterior.

Cavitas nasi duvarları

* Fissura orbitalis superior, hangi boşlukları birleştirir Orbita – Fossa cranii media (dış ve alt duvarları arasındaki fissura orbitalis inferior, orbita ile fossa The areas obtained by planimetry of parafrontal sections showed distinct asymmetry in the region of the cavitas nasi in the Beagles that had been operated. Although differences between the sides were also observed in the skulls of the control Beagles, they were very slight.

b) Cavitas nasi (burun boşluğu).
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cavitas nasalis synonyms, cavitas nasalis pronunciation, cavitas nasalis translation, English dictionary definition of cavitas nasalis. Noun 1. nasal cavity - either of the two cavities lying between the floor of the cranium and the roof of the mouth and extending from the face to the Synonyms for cavitas nasi in Free Thesaurus.

a hollow or space, or a potential space, within the body or one of its organs; called also caverna and cavum.
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Deguna dobumā arī atveras vairāki deguna blakusdobumi, kas ievērojami palielina deguna dobuma tilpumu. Controleer 'cavitas nasi' vertalingen naar het Nederlands.

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It is separated from the nasal cavity by a curved elevation - limen nasi. Vestibulum nasi is covered by the skin, it contains small hair. Below limen nasi cavitas nasi is lined by tunica mucosa with cilia. They move opposite the direction of the inspirated air stream. Below the mucous membrane is tela submucosa.

the lesion produced by dental caries . Cavities in the body. From Applegate, 2000. abdominal cavity the cavity of the body between the diaphragm above and the pelvis below, containing the abdominal organs. Deguna dobums (Cavum (Cavitas) nasi) ir elpošanas orgānu sistēmas sākums. Tas ir pāra dobums, kas atrodas galvaskausa sejas daļā. Deguna dobumā gaiss sasilst, samitrinās un attīrās no putekļiem un mikrobiem.